Biblical Salvation: Meaning, Process & Assurance Explained

The New King James Version defines salvation as the deliverance of man from the bondage of sin and the liability of eternal death, and the granting of eternal happiness.

The key phrases in this definition include ‘redemption of man,’ ‘bondage of sin,’ ‘eternal death,’ and ‘everlasting happiness’.

All the verses referring to these phrases further clarify the meaning of salvation.

How can we be certain of our salvation?

It is truly good news that we have the Holy Bible to give us the details of how to obtain and maintain the wonderful personal gift of salvation.

Understanding God’s Plan for Salvation

There are many scriptures in the Bible that record God’s plan of salvation. This plan required the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Matthew 1:21 tells of an angel who brought the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ and the purpose of Jesus’ birth.

The angels said that Jesus Christ would save people from their sins. Jesus Himself declared that He sought and saved those who were lost (Luke 19:10 NLT). God made the provision of salvation available only through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

Through the Scriptures, God revealed to us that humanity is inherently sinful and therefore alienated from Him, as recorded in Romans 5:8. Verse 9 confirms that the solution is salvation through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

What Does the Bible Say About Salvation?

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Ye must be born again. (John 3:3-7)

Most Christian churches and denominations emphasize salvation as the path to heaven and eternal life after physical death.

While this is not entirely wrong, there is actually much more to it, according to Scripture.

At its most basic, biblical salvation is when we are saved from our sin and the consequences of sin. This is why Jesus came to live among us and show us how to get back to God by repenting of our sinful ways.

Why is it important to be saved? Because we have all sinned against our Creator, and there is a penalty for that.

Rom 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

Since everyone has transgressed and broken the laws of God, salvation is necessary if we are to be saved from the consequences.

How to Receive the Gift of Salvation

Salvation, as we read the Scriptures, means to be saved, to be freed from the clutches of sin, and to face the eternal consequence of sin, which is going to hell. Through the process of salvation designed by God, we are saved or delivered from whatever might prevent us from gaining access to and enjoying eternal life.

Salvation is also described in various other common terms, such as eternal life, salvation, eternal life, going to heaven, the kingdom of heaven, and the kingdom of God.

Salvation begins when an individual makes a personal decision to obey and follow God in recognition of His love demonstrated on the cross through the crucifixion of His Son, Jesus Christ.

The saved person continues to live in recognition of his or her sin and ongoing repentance of sin; it becomes a new lifestyle and a process that continues for life. The method includes going to heaven if one keeps God’s commandments.

Staying Saved: Living in Faith and Obedience

Scripture is clear that salvation is freely given to all who believe and accept Jesus. The apostle Paul placed great emphasis on the salvation offered to us by Christ, which is available only through the unique gift of faith.

When Paul spoke of “faith,” he was usually speaking in contrast to the style of the law given in the Old Testament.

Those who lived in biblical times, the Jews, believed that salvation could be attained through the strict observance of the Ten Commandments and other laws given in the Old Testament.

But today, through the New Testament, we attain salvation through faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ.

Life After Salvation: Living with Purpose

Work becomes necessary after salvation. What does this mean? After you are saved, God has a purpose and a plan for your life. This is where and when you begin and continue to work for God in whatever area of your calling, it may be in terms of serving Him.

To receive the free gift of salvation from God, one must have faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.

After being born again and saved by accepting the saving grace of Jesus Christ as our Savior and personal Lord, the Bible informs us that we have now been made perfectly righteous according to our loving Father, God. Now the righteousness of Jesus has been credited or imputed to us.

In effect, we are now completely free to approach the mighty throne of God through prayer, and after physical death, we go to heaven to be in the presence of our loving Creator.

However, it is important to point out that anyone can easily profess faith in Jesus Christ or even say they are “saved. But how we consistently live our lives should be the evidence that shows if we have truly accepted the Christian way.


To be saved or born again is to accept the plan of salvation offered to us by Jesus Christ. To fully understand salvation, we must also comprehend the full meaning and implications of Christ’s death and resurrection, for this is the key to our salvation.

It takes dedication and time to learn about God and His requirements, God’s Law. Our ability to maintain these commandments is not something that happens overnight, but a lifelong process. It deepens as we learn God’s truth, recognize sin daily, and practice ongoing repentance. Salvation is a lifelong journey of spiritual growth and obedience to God.

Steps to Obtaining Salvation

According to Romans 10:9-10, salvation is a personal decision that can be attained.

In achieving salvation, a person comes into a new relationship with Jesus Christ and is converted. This conversion makes everything unique (2 Corinthians 5:17).

This transformation is spiritual and may not always have visible physical manifestations. However, some people receive physical healing, spiritual visions, and literal touches when they receive their salvation. It is God who decides what will happen to a person who receives salvation. The person must believe that it has undoubtedly happened.

Finding Assurance in Your Salvation

When Jesus completed His mission on earth, He told His disciples that He had been given authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18).

Therefore, people who observe what He taught can use the authority He gave to keep their salvation. The assurance of salvation comes by holding on to the end (Matthew 24:13) through the power received from the authority given to Jesus.

No power in heaven or on earth can stop the plan of salvation that God has divinely confirmed through Jesus Christ.

Final Thoughts

Literally speaking, it is clear that salvation is a virtue to be sought with great diligence.

Salvation is valid only when the relationship between a person and Jesus Christ is in good condition. Mankind should be thankful that God had a plan of reconciliation with Him, and that it does not cost material things.

The authority given to Jesus Christ by God is the assurance that the plan of salvation is not a fallacy.

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